Maps for your GPS
GPS compatible
maps of Indiana's Snowmobile Trail System
3.0.0 (1/9/12)
is available for FREE (download is free).
Download it
for free now: Mac or Windows
Note: This GPS Map is included on our pre-loaded
memory cards when purchasing the Great Lakes Snowmobile GPS Map.
- Includes CD with installer and documentation.
- Optional microSD card with maps already installed (no computer
needed with this option)
Overview of map features and as seen
on the GPS Screen.
Covers all of Indiana. The Snowmobile Trail
systems as well as the ORV Trail Areas are included as depicted by the IN DNR as well as updated data from local Clubs. No accuracy is claimed
on the trails, check locally to verify current conditions and availability. Map is fully routable with both roads and trails, pick a destination and have the GPS generate a course to follow.
Contains full road, water and substantial non-motorized trail coverage of the State; includes the
snowmobile and ORV trails. Few parking, gas or other amenities are included.
This map installer is designed to integrate into an existing copy
of Garmin's MapSource or BaseCamp programs. Our installation program can also be used to load your own memory card.

You should have map display/detail set to highest or most for
best results. Also make sure map detail is shown, not hidden (see
help or documentation (PDF)).
A help file is available as well
as documentation
(PDF) to assist with installing the maps.
System Requirements:
- Windows or Macintosh based computer
- Garmin Mapping GPS Unit.
- 150 MB free disk space
These maps only work with Garmin brand mapping GPS units, please
see our list for specific model
support and more information.
Questions? Please email
us with your questions/suggestions.