Printed Maps
Michigan Motorcycle and ATV Trail Map Book
Michigan's ORV Trail System
Current Edition
is available for $45 (price includes tax and
it online now or use our mail-in
Order Form.
These books are constanty updated througout the riding season. No big pre-productions here, each book is created on-demand.
Every page is focused on one trail or trail "system" if it's a group of trails. If you are a trail rider looking for the motorcycle-only and 50" ORV Trails, this is the book for you. If you are looking for the trails, Routes and also the open county and forest roads to use to connect trails and complete coverage of the State, our ORV Guide Book is the better choice.
The Michigan Off-Road Vehicle Trail system is included in it's
entirety. Both the upper and lower peninsula are
covered. Over 3000 miles of trails! Even the connecting Michigan
Cross Country Cycle Trails (MCCCT) trails. The MCCCT has it's own section of pages for those following that 600+ mile journey through the woods.
Each trail has
been documented with a GPS unit, more accurate
than any other product we know of.
Our online MI ORV
Trail Guide is right from our older printed map book.
You can download and print each page from that mapbook through
our free online guide.
Trails visually differentiated between ORV, Motorcycle-Only, ORV
Route, county road vs open to ORV county road and more. Book is wire bound for convenience and durability.

Over 100
pages of full color detail. Size is 8.5" x 11" - easily
take it on the trail with you!
ORV Trails and Routes shown and
easily identified. Type of ORV Trail
it easy
to see which trails are maintained for motorcycles and which
are appropriate for ATVs and bigger. Sections that require more
than an ORV Sticker clearly shown as well. 
Public land ownership is included. Certified county roads, state
highways, forest roads and more. Parking lots are included, with
GPS coordinates. Nearby gas stations and campgrounds. Distance
between trail intersections, trail intersection numbers and more.

Details on ORV rules included. An integrated Trail
Guide covers
each trail. The Guide includes descriptions of each trail, local
ORV ordinances (know if the county is "open" or not), which trails
connect, which campgrounds are nearby and more!

This compliments our GPS
ORV Trail Map product
very nicely. Use the GPS to know exactly where you are and the
mapbook for the "big picture". Questions? Please email
us with your questions/suggestions.