you for your interest in VVMapping’s GPS maps for Southern
Following are instructions and tips for installing and using the
maps. These instructions require that you already have a copy of
Garmin’s MapSource application installed. Please note this
is a product you must purchase from Garmin.
First download the software taking note of where you save the program
so can open it and run the installer. Click the link and then choose
Save File.

Once the file has downloaded, open it by either double clicking
it or, if you are using FireFox, you can click the link to open it
from the Downloads window.

When the program starts it will ask if you want to
install, click Yes.
The splash screen will show indicating what version
of the map the installer includes (this one is 0.92 beta). Click
the Next button.
After you’ve read and agreed to the license
agreement, click the Next button. This particular product is licensed
under the Creative Commons license and basically indicates it’s
free, you may give away copies but must attribute the work to
in addition to not selling it.
Click Next after reading the information screen.
There are no custom install options nor the ability
to pick a particular directory, so click Next to being the installation.
Once the installer finishes you can launch MapSource
and check out the Maps
In MapSource pull the View menu down, select Switch
to Product and then select VVMapping - Southern Michigan.

For best results, make sure the Map Detail is being
shown (the menu will indicate “hide” if it’s currently
showing detail, it will say “show” if it’s currently
hiding the detail).
Also set the Map Detail to Higest. Both options are in the View menu.

To select the map tiles (each covers one county)
choose the Map Select tool, then point at each county and click once
on them. The map area to be selected will have a yellow highlight
around it, it will turn pink once chosen in addition to the map tile’s
name being listed on the left side.

After you’ve selected the map sections of interest,
you can send them to your GPS by clicking the “send to GPS” button.
When the send to GPS window appears, choose only the options you
want (should be just Maps for this time). If you were just sending
or receiving tracks or waypoints, you would NOT want to have “maps” selected
as one of the options you want to send to the GPS.
The maps should make it to your GPS in a few minutes, depending on
which model you have and how it connects to your computer.

Your GPS should now have the maps in it. More info
on that soon.